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电话: 0236796993
姓名: daisy
Chongqing Gyssien International

  established in 1996, producing a wide array of products that we added to our lines over the years. from the start-up of eyewear retainers in 1996,to landyards-key chains-water bottle straps in2000,non woven bags in 2006 and trade show badge wallets in 2007 you can see the evolution of our product line and factory capabilities.

主要产品/业务: backpack, cosmetic bag , landyard ,first aid kit,credential wallets,eyewear retainer,shoe lace

Chongqing Gyssien International / 重庆 / 重庆市涪陵区李渡工业园G栋4楼 (404100) / 电话:0236796993

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